2001, directed by Richard Kelly.
- Pandora
- New Market Presents
- A flower films production
The establishing shot appears for a long time then the cinematography moves onto a road which it then follows, moving towards a figure placed in the middle of the road, denoting that this figure is dead or unconcious.
The shot moves into a medium shot of a teenage male figure waking up, he has messy brown hair (could be binary opposition and the boy may be a FINAL BOY) and is wearing pjyamas, denoting that he was woken up just like he would if he were at home. The shot shows a bike which denotes how he arrived at where he is.
There is a medium close up shot of the boy standing up and beginning to laugh, denoting that he is happy about something or possibly connoting that he is mentally unstable.
The shot moves to a transition - then the shot moves back to the boy on his bike, moving into civilisation as he rides past women running.
Medium shot of an orange sign saying 'MIddlesex Halloween Carnival OCT 26TH - 30TH HALLOWS EVE' which is showing exposition of the time of year, and anchorage of where the film is set.
In the background of the signpost there is a path with grass and trees which denotes the suburbian area.
There is diagetic music of a pop band which connotes the time era (late 1990s early 2000's)
The boy cycles past the sign and past cars, denoting that he has cycled from the mountain.
The shot moves to a 2 person shot of a middle aged man and woman, denoting that they are in a relationship, this introduces the characters as the first characters parents.
The shot moves to a long shot then moving to medium shot of the boy moving into the same house as the parents and then walking towards the fridge out of breath (denoting that he has travelled a long way). The music quitens and turns into diagetic, then stops) He opens the fridge door, on the door there is writing saying 'Wheres Donnie?' which is narrative enigma of the boys name, and also denoting that he is missing, yet in a comedic way, denoting that him missing is not a serious matter or that it happens regularly.
The shot moves to a long shot of the whole family (consisting of 2 parents, a young 20's year old daughter, Donnie and his younger sister) all eating pizza at the table, which is denoting a normal family life.
There is banterous conversations which shows a positive relationship, but it soon turns negative when the eldest daughter says to Donnie 'Ok, do you want to tell mum and dad why you stopped taking medication?' which is narrative enigma showing that Donnie is on medication yet the audience does not yet know what for, (but also referring from earlier on, it could be from mental illness, like when Donnie started laughing on the secluded road) also that the does not like taking the medication which is why he stopped, also foreshadowing that the stopping of taking his medication could be the reason for the tragedy later on in the film.
The shot moves to a long shot of Donnie in bed reading, denoting that he is intellectual and possibly a 'nerd' at school, showing anchorage of his age group.
Donnies mother walks into the room and asks 'where do you go at night?' which is narrative enigma to denote that Donnie waking up on the mountain is not an irregular occurance, and that his family are unaware of is whereabouts.
The conversation turns very tense, Donnie says 'Why dont you start taking the god damn pills?' denoting that he does not enjoy having to take the pills. 'Bitch' denotes even further tension between Donnie and his mother.
There is a close up shot of Donnie opening up his bathroom cabinet, showing an orange perscribed tub of pills, the tubs text says 'Donald Darko', his full name, and '3/24/86' which is exposition of Donnies age (would have been 15 years old).
There is a transition which then leads into the rest of the film.
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