Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Second Practice footage for Tiny Terror - Bathroom Scene

Untitled from Georgia Barningham on Vimeo.

Experimenting use of:
•Dutch Angles
•High angles
•POV shots

In the bathroom scene where the boy rushes in to find his dying girlfriend in which he is then murdered by the doll (Georgia plays the boy and pretends there is somebody in the bath as only Tom and Georgia were present and Tom was on the windowsill getting the shot)

1 comment:

  1. again, context + reflection should be added as text to the post
    Doll movement looks promising, so long as individual takes are kept short (probably using shot reverse shot a lot)
    Cellotaped knife doesn't look so good - would blutac hold it?
    Using the mirror is always effective when framed well; seen in many slashers but Dressed to kill especially


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