Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Vodcast 3 on Target Audience

Untitled from Georgia Barningham on Vimeo.

Comments on:
  •  what BBFC we would rate our movie opening (15)
  • Reference to Chuckie (the doll)
  • Slasher movies are based on teens which is one of the reasons why we chose 15 certificate

1 comment:

  1. good specific detail on BBFC
    look ahead to Evaluation and consider adding further detail here - look at blog posts on this
    for example, to discuss audience you can investigate box office success of slasher films to show there is a viable audience (including UK examples)
    if 15-24 is your PRIMARY target audience (+rem too that slashers show adults/authority figures as weak), then there's also a younger and older SECONDARY aud (those who ignore bbfc ratings, helped by digitisation, and existing genre fans of 25-34+)
    male gaze (and female gaze?) also a factor as well as the gore you mention; intertextuality with childs play (shortly to get a reboot so your film could benefit from hype over it) also a potential plus in attracting an audience


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