Untitled from Georgia Barningham on Vimeo.
Comments on:
- The Doll - various different weapons that we are thinking of using for the doll (razor/lego sword/penknife/flicknife)
- The idea of a puppet instead of a doll.
- Costume - for doll looking at charity shops for baby/doll clothes
- Costume scream queen - girl will wear a vest top and short cotton pants like pjyama wear
- Casting - Luke Kenna will play the boyfriend in the film (description of him) fits the representation of a jock character.
- We have not yet found a 'scream queen' character
- 'Altering' the doll to make him more creepy eg creating indents into his skull or punching holes into his head and inserting hair, or removing his eyes) his head also twists the full way around
- We are going to use fishing line to animate his arms so we do not have to use our hands in the shot.
- Scream Queen babysitting her little brother idea like from Halloween
Great to see you're thinking through all the possibilities. Not everyone will watch every vid, so try to add a brief bullet list of points covered in vodcasts underneath the embed of the vid
ReplyDeleteAlso, strive to incorporate some additional images/clips to help illustrate your points (eg you refer to Chucky, Hills Have Eyes, Jason + various locations...)