Friday, February 10, 2012

Different Kitchen Scene Idea For Tiny Terror

Untitled from Georgia Barningham on Vimeo.

Barncasarn thought about having the boyfriend being unfaithful to his girlfriend. We shot 1 scene in which the boyfriend is on his phone to another girl, wondering of his where abouts, indicating that he is cheating on his girlfriend.
We used 1 shot for this to test out what it would look like.
Our conclusion is that this would work equally as well as the original idea we had because it adds tension to the film, and as it is before the scene where the boy finds the girl, we could have changed it so that it was him who killed his girlfriend and made it out to look like it wasnt him.
However we decided not to go with this idea as we already had a lot of footage for the other idea which fitted in well with eachother, so if we went with this idea then we would have to spend a lot of time reshooting and changing our ideas when we already had a good plot in the first place.


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