Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Teenage Wasteland - The Slasher Movie Uncut: The Final Girl (further reading)

"Ever since 'Laurie Strode' in Halloween, t has become almost a cliche that a lone woman will be the one left standing at the end of a slasher film. Before Halloween, heroines had survived horror movies, but the climactic battle between Laurie and the bogeyman was a 'veritable blueprint' of what was to follow. Sometimes there was a final boy (Alfred in The Burning) but that was a rarity.
The final girl was usually a virgin (unlike most of her friends) Shy, but smart and she turns the cat and mouse games to her advantage in her battle to make it to the closing credits. In many ways, the final girl has taken over the role of the traditional male hero in slashers.
Some final girls, such as the one in The Dorm That Dripped Blood make it through the movie, but in a cruel ironic twist of fate, fall at the finish line. However, even if the girl does make it to the end of the film, there is still no guarentee that she will live through the sequel.
The final girl appeals to both males and females, throuhg her possible attractive looks and also an inspiration to the female audience"

Teenage Wasteland is available on Amazon: Teenage Wasteland - The Slasher Movie Uncut

1 comment:

  1. provide a reference for the book, including author (best linked to amazon), and if you're directly quoting either use speech marks or indent and change font as I do


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